Early Years


The SEND Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) service offers introductory sessions to all private, voluntary and independent nurseries and childminders in Birmingham.

The service is designed to be responsive to the needs of settings and districts; further training and support will be offered as the service develops.

Speech, Language and Communication Champions

The SEND Speech and Language Therapy Team offer support to the Speech and Language Champions through planned termly meetings and on-going advice and support when needed.

If you are a SLC Champion and you would like support, you will be able to book a session with a professional later this term.

Surgeries with Area SENCos

The SEND Speech and Language Therapy team offer support to all private, voluntary and independent nurseries and childminders in Birmingham through supporting Area SENCos.


Identifying Speech, Language and Communication Needs

Identifying speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) is important. It is useful for teachers and practitioners working in early years provisions to understand what typical development of speech, language and communication looks like in children of different ages.

The WellComm Speech and Language Toolkit is being used across early years provisions in Birmingham to identify language and communication needs. If you would like any support with using WellComm within your setting, please contact your Area SENCo who will liaise with the SEND Speech and Language Therapy team.

Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Needs

Your SEND Speech and Language Therapist works with your Area SENCo to provide you with information and advice around identifying and supporting a range of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

You can access range of written information, advice and videos around supporting SLCN.

Creating a Communication Friendly Environment

A communication friendly environment supports the development of all children’s communication skills, including those with speech, language and communication needs. It is good practice to analyse and reflect on what you have in place and what might be appropriate to focus on developing within your setting.

You can complete an audit of your setting to identify the good practice you already have in place and the areas you want to develop. If you identify areas within the audit which you would like support with, please contact your SEND Speech and Language Therapist.

Download our Communication Friendly Nursery Audit Tool.