Post 16 Transition with an EHCP

Who should complete the SEN Preference Form

All students from who will be in Year 11 onwards from September need to complete a preference form in order that we can consult with the necessary providers, amend their EHC Plan as appropriate and arrange for any agreed necessary funding to be put in place.

If a student who is aged 18 or over on 31 August no longer wishes to continue in education they must complete section 2 of the preference form. They must state that they are either planning to leave education, start University or begin work. These students EHC Plans will then cease at the end of the academic year in August.

Students who are not yet 18 years old by 31 August, must continue in some form of education or training and their EHC Plan must remain in place. Therefore, if we do not receive a preference form the EHC Plan will remain in place but no specific provision will be named in the plan.

These students will be encouraged to re-engage in education and training and should contact SENAR as soon as they are ready to undertake an educational or vocational training course.  A SENAR Officer will then make consultations with the relevant providers with a view to a setting being named in their EHC Plan and them continuing to access education.

Not submitting a Preference Form

All students should submit a preference form even if they are remaining in their current placement. Birmingham City Council still needs to ensure that their EHC Plan is up to date and any placement funding where necessary has been applied for and is in place for the next academic year.

If a student who is aged 18 or over on 31 August does not return a preference form, the city council will assume that the young person no longer wishes to continue in education and training and the EHC Plan will cease at the end of the academic year.

Please be aware that this will mean that no placement will be secured and no funding will be available from September of the academic year. Therefore, if any student does wish to continue, they must complete and return a preference form.