Birmingham’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Local Transformation Plans 2022/23 launched

Birmingham’s Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Local Transformation Plans 2022/23

The transformation of children and young people’s mental health is led by local areas. This means that children, young people, their families and professionals from across the NHS, public health, local authorities, children services, education, youth justice and voluntary and community organisations are working together to co-design and provide the best possible services.

We continue to work together to challenge the stigma around mental health and to improve access for all our communities. We have seen unprecedented demands for increased support during and continuing since the pandemic. The pandemic has also impacted on our workforce and it continues to do so.  Our workforce has time and time again demonstrated a commitment and passion for the work they do.  They have adapted how and when they work, they have developed new skills to ensure they continue to support our children, young people and their families.

Our plans set out what we will do over the next two years, including reducing waiting lists and improving access through digital innovation and an expanding workforce. Our plans also set out how local services will respond and evolve and invest resources to improve children and young people’s mental health across the “whole system”.

In line with NHS England requirements, we are publishing our Birmingham children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing local transformation plans for 2022/23 here:

Transformation Plan

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