We’ve launched our SEND and Inclusion strategies to help improve services. We are already making progress:
✅ 68% of needs assessments completed in 20 weeks – national average 50%
✅ NEET young people down to 1.9% from 9%
✅ 99% of transfers completed on time
✅ Average wait time for speech & language therapy 21 weeks, down from 75 weeks
✅ Wait time for OT down to 9 weeks, from 12 week
Monday 10th July saw the culmination of months of hard work when we launched our SEND and Inclusion strategies with families and partners.
These strategies are our partnership roadmap – crucial in enabling the transformation of our SEND system in Birmingham. Co-constructed with our partners, including our Parent Carer Forum, they provide the foundation for services to deliver the support that children and families need and deserve.
The Birmingham Children and Young People’s Partnership also launched the ‘Change for Children and Young People plan’ which sets out “the strategic actions we will take together to achieve our bold ambition: to make Birmingham a great place to grow up for all our children and young people.” All 3 of our recently released plans and strategies are available below.