Makaton Level 1 Course
The SEND Advisory services have a new offer for Makaton training which will support Birmingham’s aim to develop an inclusive, holistic approach to developing speech, language and communication skills across the city.
Research proves that Makaton supports the development of interaction and communication and encourages more vocalisations, speech sounds and eventually, words. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. It can also help to reduce frustration for those who find communication with others challenging.
Who is it for?
This course is recommended for school staff who need to use Makaton in their work to support the development of communication for children with a range of needs.
What does it cover?
Level 1 training provides a practical introduction to the Makaton Language Programme.
Sessions include discussing commonly asked questions, hints and tips for effective signing and symbol use and how to start using Makaton in everyday situations at home or work.
You will also learn the signs and symbols from Stages 1 and 2, and some of the Additional stage, of the Core Vocabulary.
Thursday 8th May 2025
Venue: Thornbury Centre, Thornbury Road, Birmingham, B20 3DE
Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Cost for 1 day training: £60
Participants will be required to purchase the Level 1 Manual on the day of the course at a cost of £20
Refreshments included. Please bring your own lunch
Contact for more details.