Directory  /  Support for Getting Online

Support for Getting Online


Here are several organisations for help and support to get online:

Maximising Opportunities For Digital Inclusion Across Birmingham

Birmingham Device Bank
Below is link to devices for organisations to apply for free devices; people can apply for organisations or individuals who are struggling to access devices

Good Things Foundation
Below is link to Good Things Foundation. organisation can register and apply for free sims with 6 months data and calls. Anyone who is on a low income and over 18 and is struggling to obtain data can benefit. Organisations can also apply for their service users.

Family Fund
Run digital workshops, information regarding benefits etc. as well as providing iPads and tablets.

Free online resources and a network of over 300 community-based volunteers help individuals with any disability, of any age, to use all kinds of digital technology.

Turn2us - Fighting UK Poverty
Find benefits, grants and financial support online -

Digital Poverty Alliance
Digital Poverty Alliance - We want to make sustainable change. Together we can end digital poverty once and for all by 2030.

Reboot Project
Work to provide devices and connectivity to society’s most vulnerable, especially the 250,000 people who were shielding with no access to the internet.

National Databank
The National Databank is providing free data to 500,000 people in need via Good Things Foundation’s network of community partners, in partnership with Virgin Media O2, Vodafone and Three.

The Data Poverty Lab
Supporting people with data connectivity (Broadband and mobile data)
This is a guide for organisations which reach and support people who are struggling to afford the internet because of poverty and the cost of living.

Digital Unite
Technology guides | Digital Unite - range of 400+ how-to guides covers a whole host of digital topics. Written by subject matter experts and updated regularly, the guides are easy read.

Digital inclusion - Citizens Online
Digital inclusion is about ensuring the benefits of the internet and digital technologies are available to everyone.

A friendly internet group for people who have never used the internet before

Urban Network
Urban Network helps to combat digital poverty with free@last

This information was accurate at the time of publication. We endeavour to keep this up to date but it could be outdated. It was last edited on January 23rd, 2024.