In Birmingham parents/carers or young people aged 16 and over can contact Birmingham City Council and apply for an education, health and care needs assessment. 

The council will review all evidence and make a decision whether to assess or not. If a decision is made to assess, at the end of that assessment period the council will decide whether to issue an EHCP.

If you would like more information about this process and your baby or young child is yet to attend a setting, you can talk to other professionals involved, such as your health visitor or GP.

If your child or young person attends a school or setting you should talk to the SENCo or headteacher or one of the agencies who are involved in supporting your child or young person.

You can find out more about the team responsible for EHCP reviews and assessments from the following link:

SENAR – Special Educational Needs Assessment and Reviews Team – Local Offer Birmingham

To make an application please download EHCNA Request Form, My Views Form, and the Parents Views Forms found below, and submit to

This shows the typical timeline for the completion of an EHCNA.

EHCNA TImeline