The Co-production Award Scheme

The co-production award scheme is a way of encouraging co-production across Birmingham and ensuring that children, young people, parents and carers play an active role in improving SEND services. Please click on any of the following links to find out more.

Co-production Award Scheme

The award scheme is open to all Birmingham-based organisations working across education, health and social care and the voluntary sector that can demonstrate how they are co-producing SEND Services with children, young people, parents and carers. There are 4 stages in the award scheme, each awarded when an organisation further embeds co-production into their work.

The 4 stages of the Award Scheme

For organisations to receive the bronze award, they will need to sign up to the SEND Co-production Framework and Charter

To receive the silver award, they will need to create and submit a delivery plan which sets out what actions they will take across the 4C’s of co-production (co-commissioning, co-design, co-delivery, and co-assessment)

To receive the gold award, they will need to produce an evidence portfolio, showing how their delivery plan has been implemented and what impact this has made on the lives of children, young people, and their families.

To receive the platinum award, they will need to evidence their long-term commitment to embed co-production.

How the awards will be assessed, managed, and approved.

Members of the Birmingham SEND co-production champions group will assess and offer a ‘support and challenge’ function for organisations seeking the award. This champions group comprises of young people, parents, carers and professionals working across education, health, social care, and the voluntary sector. The champions group members will:

  • Check that organisations have signed up to the SEND co-production framework and charter.
  • Review organisational delivery plans to ensure they enable co-production in line with the framework and charter.
  • Assess whether co-production activity aligns with overarching policies and strategies such as the Birmingham SEND Strategy.
  • Examine the evidence portfolio.
  • Conduct monitoring visits and interviews with staff and service users.
  • Determine the positive impact on SEND children, young people, parents, and carers.

Why sign up?

The award scheme is about celebrating achievements and generating awareness for co-production in Birmingham. Organisations that sign up to the award scheme will : 

  • Organisations will receive a certificate at each stage of the award and can use their awarded logos on their letterheads and publicity materials etc.
  • Organisations are encouraged to widely publicise their achievements at every stage of this award scheme.
  • Organisations can celebrate their award achievements by holding ‘award recognition events’ for their staff and communities.

How to apply

To apply for the co-production award scheme, organisations must make a formal commitment to the co-production framework and charter. They can do this by signing and submitting the registration below to:

Once approved, organisations will be awarded with a bronze award and can then progress towards silver, gold and platinum as they continue to support co-production in Birmingham.